Contributor guidelines

Thank you for your interest in submitting an article to Common Ground.

Editorial submissions / Please email article ideas to

To publish in Common Ground, please email a query first, describing the proposed article. Include its title, approximate length, and the key points it will cover. It’s a good idea to send the article’s first paragraph to help convey your style and rationale. Include a brief biography and an explanation of your qualifications to write about the proposed subject. Please do not send attachments with your query.

Please explore this website to understand the nature and style of Common Ground’s editorial content. Generally we accept articles on health, wellness, the environment, transformational travel and personal growth. We prefer articles by Canadian authors; very rarely we accept fiction and poetry.

After we respond to your query, articles of 600 to 1,500 words will be accepted. We will consider longer articles, up to 2,500 words, but may ask you to edit them to a shorter length. Articles can be enhanced with a compelling photo or graphic. Your article will be edited for spelling, punctuation, grammar, clarity, space, and consistency of tone with the editorial content of the magazine.

Articles are to be submitted as a .DOC file or .RTF file by email. For pictures, attach high quality .JPEG or .PNG files at a minimum resolution of 250 pixels per inch. Hard copy photos or graphics should be scanned and sent by email as high quality .JPEG attachments. Unless specified, material submitted by regular mail will not be returned to you. If you must have your material returned, please specify clearly. If you are in a country other than Canada, please note that self-addressed stamped envelopes cannot be mailed with foreign stamps.

Please include photo credit information and be aware of copyright regulations. We cannot print photos unless the photographer has given us permission. Photos that depict recognizable individuals may require release forms.

We pay ten cents per word, but some of our articles are donated. Once an article has been published, the editor will contact you with the final word count, after which you may submit an invoice.

There is no guarantee that an article received by Common Ground will be published. No article is guaranteed to be published in a certain issue. Editorial priorities can be changed at any time without notice.

Editorial submissions / Please email article ideas to