“Big O” hits the mark


I read your “Big O” article in the recent issue of Common Ground [Drug Bust by Alan Cassels, June 2011] and in this case, I agree with you whole-heartedly.

My mother, who is 95 years old and lives in Berlin, Germany, fell and broke her hip in November 2010. She was immediately hospitalized, had surgery and was back in her own apartment, living on her own. She had a nurse coming daily and a physiotherapist three times weekly, within two months. In the meantime, she has fallen several times, but each time manages to get up and get moving again without any outside help. She is not superwoman by any stretch of the imagination, but has lots of determination and persistence.

About 30 years ago she was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I have seen her X-rays and her spine looks like Swiss cheese. During those years, she has fallen fairly often, but her first actual fracture was at age 95 in November 2010.

I’m a firm believer in “seeing is believing”, and in this case, I can affirm that your article hits the nail on the head.

Thanks for providing this important information to us, the elderly.

– Sabine Schouten

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