Banyen Books’ 40th

Join the celebration

On Thursday December 9, Banyen Books hosts a 40th birthday celebration at the Ridge Theatre. Features include a special live “skype-in” with Ram Dass from Maui, a new short film of Ram Dass, a rare screening of Saint Misbehavin’: The Wavy Gravy Movie and a book signing (and talk) of Ram Dass’ new book Be Love Now by co-author Rameshwar Das. With typical compassion, owner Kolin Lymworth is turning the celebration into a fundraiser for Seva Canada’s sight restoration and blindness prevention programs in the developing world.

Banyen Books has been a West Coast institution since 1970. The store continues to offer Canada’s largest selection of writings and recordings on world spirituality, healing modalities, ecology, community and much more.

“Be Love Now / Saint Misbehavin’ will be a one-of-a-kind evening, celebrating past and present spiritual activist heroes who show us how we can enjoy life while making a difference with our actions. Both Wavy and Ram Dass are deeply seasoned, huge-hearted “teachers” helping us to open our own hearts more fully,” Lymworth says.

The evening is a unique opportunity to connect with Ram Dass, author of the seminal book Be Here Now. The author, who lives in Hawaii, was debilitated by a stroke in 1997. Saint Misbehavin’ is a new, award-winning, full-length documentary film about Wavy Gravy (born Hugh Romney), a lifelong activist described as “the illegitimate son of Harpo Marx and Mother Teresa, conceived one starry night on a spiritual whoopee cushion.”

Christened Wavy Gravy by blues legend B.B. King, Wavy’s adventures have included travelling with Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters. He was truly immortalized when he took to the stage at Woodstock, offering 400,000 people “breakfast in bed.”

Seva was founded over 30 years ago by a group of eminent doctors and visionaries, among them Ram Dass, Wavy Gravy and Dr Larry Brilliant.

Banyen’s 40th anniversary party
Thursday December 9, 7 pm
Ridge Theatre, 16th & Arbutus
Tickets $20 at Banyen, 604-737-8858, at the Ridge box office and online at