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Eating that heals – Raw, living foods promote health

Allart interviews Brian Clement, PhD

Brian Clement, PhD

Life Change Program 
with Brian Clement, PhD, NMD, CN
Director of 
Hippocrates Health Institute

Mon, Aug 17 
Workshop 10-5 PM
Evening lecture 7-9 PM

Unity of Vancouver, 
5840 Oak Street
Information and tickets: 
click “Events” onwww.DynamicHealthRadio.info
or call 604-328-1020

Brian Clement, PhD, is the author of Hippocrates Lifeforce: Superior Health and Longevity. He has spent more than three decades studying nutrition and natural health care. Since 1980, he has been the director of the Hippocrates Health Institute, the preeminent leader in the field of natural and complementary health care and education since 1956. Deemed the world’s number one teaching institute in the year 2000 by Spa Management Group, the centre was founded by visionary and humanitarian Ann Wigmore and is currently under the leadership of Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement.

Allart: I’ve been on the raw, vegan diet for long periods of time and sometimes I slip off, but I noticed about six months into the raw, vegan diet that I was waking up happy every day and I thought, “Well, the only thing that’s really different is that I’ve been on a raw, vegan diet for six months.” And it’s not like I was unhappy before; it’s just that I never woke up feeling that happy all the time and so I knew it had to do with the raw foods.

Brian Clement: It does and over the decades we’ve learned the chemistry of that. In raw, vegan, living food – uncooked food – you have hormones from the plant and those hormones literally help to activate and increase endorphins, dopamines, and seratonin, which, in great part, are made in the stomach. They’re all happy juices and they allow you to have more elation and less “glass half empty.” And this is what we’re all trying to do because happy people do nice things for themselves and everyone else.

A: How long have you been with Hippocrates Health Institute?

BC: I joined the staff in the early 1970s and as many of the listeners may or may not know, Hippocrates is the oldest natural health organization and institute in the world. It was begun by Ann Wigmore, a Lithuanian immigrant to North America, who was told by Harvard doctors in Boston she was going to die from colon cancer. That didn’t sound very good to her when she was in her fifties so she healed herself of colon cancer and was energetic enough and conscious enough to say, “Look, I can’t contain this. I’ve got to tell others not to always listen to what the boys and girls with the stethoscopes tell you, because I would have died in six months if I’d listened to them.” So she founded the Institute in the early to mid-1950s. People have come from all over the world since then; many of them have had catastrophic diseases and healed themselves – by the tens of thousands – of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and multiple sclerosis, etc.

tomatoI’ve been very, very lucky since the early 1970s – and after coming back from Europe where I spent three and a half years teaching the program and opening and directing and running centres there for living food – to work with these people because it’s not a job; it’s just a mission. When you come in every day and you see people have healed themselves of these diseases, it saddens you to think the rest of the world is believing the fallacy that we call modern medicine today. And it’s a good thing there are people like Ann Wigmore who had the courage to stand up and say, “No.”

A: We’re bombarded with so much brainwashing that it’s difficult for people to cut through all the layers of brainwashing to get to that knowledge and to the practice.

BC: You’re saying something extremely important. We in North America, and certainly in Europe, have been trained to be consumers. From the time we’re in the womb, they are enticing us. To give one small example of how pervasive and effective it is, we should understand that corporations control our governments now. All of the monies that elect our officials and the lobbyists in Winnipeg as well as in Washington as well as in London as well as everywhere in the world basically are corporate-sponsored and they guide which laws are going to be made. If we haven’t learned globally that corporations have greed as first and foremost on their mind, we’ll never learn it.

In this country, and I believe it happened in your country too, at about the end of the 1990s, they got rid of a long-standing law that said we could not advertise pharmaceutical medicines on television. They took that away in 1997 and since then they’ve been advertising. Let’s give the best example of how well this has worked. In the first three years they started to advertise, for the first time in history, the sale of psychiatric medicines increased by 250 percent. And when you’re sitting at home and not feeling good about yourself because you’ve just eaten fast foods and you don’t have a good marriage and your child is doing drugs, this sexy voice comes on after you’re exhausted and it’s eight or nine at night, and asks, “Are you feeling this?” “Are you feeling this?” “Oh gee, that sounds just like me.” Well, you better get whatever the name of the drug is. These people then march out to their doctor and basically tell the doctor what they want. And I’ve seen this.

In the 40 years I’ve done this work, I’ve seen it become a watershed of success for the pharmaceuticals and totally and absolutely destructive and pervasive in the general population. Canada and the US are the largest consumers of pharmaceutical medicine in the world. As an example, we take double per capita than the next nation, which is Germany. And why? Because Germany has the second largest pharmaceutical industry. And the third happens to be Switzerland/France, which happens to have the third largest pharmaceutical industry. Now isn’t that interesting? And we’re so greedy within these unbelievable corporations that they now convince us that our children have diseases that aren’t even real, like Attention Deficit Disorder, which by the way, the remedy generally is Ritalin, or something like Ritalin, which is literally cocaine.

A: We’ve covered that kind of stuff on the Dynamic Health radio program. We’ve talked about the insanity of prescribing to two-year-olds and diagnosing them as bipolar. We’ve done shows on orthomolecular medicine. Dr. Abram Hoffer showed that he could cure schizophrenia and so-called bipolar disorders by elevating people’s nutrient levels with vitamin B and C and things like this. Obviously, nutrients matter.

BC: We’ve been doing that here for 50 years. The sickest people in the world come here and the healthiest and smartest people in the world. We have people who are very smart who want to prevent premature aging and disease because they’ve seen their poor parents or friends suffer, and then we have people who have been chewed up, spit out and lied to by the pharmaceutical, medical industry and who have been told they’re going to die. They have the courage and wisdom to come here. They heal. And it’s really nutritionally based. Of course, we do many other very interesting things, but nutrition is the core.

A: How about telling us a few success stories.

BC: I came back from my ever-going lecture tours – this time in the northeastern part of the US. I was in Connecticut and in that conference two people stood up – one a former Federal Judge here in the US and he was told he had 18 months to live three years ago. He had stage four cancer and he stood up and that was the first I had seen him. He was told by Yale University – the very Institute that told him he was going to die – that he was totally free of cancer. So these are the kinds of things we expect and see consistently.

In the same room was a wonderful lady who came to us seven years ago after being told that she had stage four cancer and that she would live for no more than a year; it was in her liver and moving into her pancreas. I knew she had recovered but I hadn’t seen her in all that time, and there she was, standing up, looking unbelievably good. She looked 20 years younger than anyone else in the room her age and smiling and glowing. Now, this is reality and, sadly, what has been imposed upon us is fear; it’s gorilla marketing. That fear cripples us and takes away our power, strength, well-being and spiritual awareness. And we’ve got to awaken people, because if we don’t awaken, we’re going to go to sleep.

I see major hope for this. I travel all over the world and it used to be dozens of people who were interested; now it’s thousands.

A: Could you tell listeners that are new to this why a raw, vegan diet is superior to a cooked, vegan diet?

BC: I’ll tell you an interesting story and I think everyone will be able to relate to this. Humans and the animals we control are the only creatures on Earth that do not eat a 100 percent raw food diet. What we have to know is that the human body is biochemistry. I know we think we’re cute and we have names like John and Mary and we get dressed up and all of that business, but, really, it’s just a gathering of chemistry and you have 95 trillion cells in the body. Eighty-five trillion of those cells are in the human brain because the brain never shuts off and it works in multitudes of ways that even the smartest people aren’t even aware of today. And then from the neck down, you have 10 trillion cells. That’s an amazing fact, but more amazing is that those cells can consistently and constantly replace themselves. If we took your body and analyzed every cell here at the Institute and then put those cells back into you, seven years from today, not one cell would be there. And more interesting than that, if I took your heart out today and put it back in, not one cell would be here in 30 days because it’s completely changed and renewed in 30 days. The human lung, 70 days. Parts of the brain, which I was taught at university in the dark ages never regenerate, regenerate in two and a half days. Stomach lining, five days. Now with all of that said, when I look at your body, what I’m seeing is the largest organ – the skin, and that skin is no more than red blood cells.

We have to feed those cells – that chemistry – particular elements. Of course, it needs protein because protein is sort of the framework that holds the cell together. We need vitamins; vitamins are the covering of the cell. That’s why in our cultures, when people get old, their skin gets really thin and when they touch the table or somebody touches them, they bleed and get bruised. That’s because they’ve had long-term vitamin deficiencies. But if you have strong vitamin intake your whole life, it recovers and makes strong, healthy cells.

Of course, you need minerals and trace minerals; that’s what allows the electrical currency to go through the body. The body is first and foremost electric. The Asians knew that. Two, three thousand years ago, they invented things like acupuncture and acupressure because they realized that you’re foremost electric and even the most conservative medical doctor knows you’re electric. Why I know that and why you should understand that is because they test you electrically. What is an MRI? What is a cat scan? What is an ultrasound? All of these show the electrical magnetic frequency of your organs – or not, meaning that they’re not working the way they should. So here’s what else we need. Modern medicine stops where I just stopped there.

What else you need are hormones and as I mentioned early on in the talk, hormones literally are something that you constantly must have because they’re the chemistries of language for the cells – the way the cells communicate, and that’s important. These chemistries have to be available and the only way we have an ongoing reserve is by eating foods that have them in it. And the only foods that have the hormones your body receives are raw, vegan foods. Once you cook the food, the hormones are gone. If you don’t get enough hormones, which obviously, most of the people listening today do not, you’re going to age prematurely and your brain is not going to function. And what would happen, for instance, if I’m a cell and you’re a cell listening today and I say to you in a very loud voice because I have enough hormones, “Let’s go become a liver” Well, then we’d both go become a liver and have a healthy liver. But what happens if I don’t have enough hormones? The cell would say, “I can’t communicate clearly.” And now the cell wanders off and doesn’t become a liver and then the liver becomes weak. Furthermore, the cell may mutate and become cancer.

The second thing you get with living, vegan food is oxygen. Now, this is interesting. We’ve known since 1917 that, to digest proteins, vitamins and minerals, you need oxygen to be present. The only time you have oxygen present with them is in raw food. Once you cook a food, the oxygen leaves it. As a matter of fact, the fragrance you smell when a food is cooking is oxygen molecules leaving. So when you’re cooking food, put your head over the pot, don’t get burned and huff deeply and heavily. You’re going to get the best thing out of that.

The next one we’ve only known about for half a century. Inherent in all raw, plant-based foods there’s something called phytochemistry or phytochemicals. These phytochemicals, we’ve discovered, are the most important discovery in the field of nutrition. They have elements that nature put there from plants that started millions and millions of years ago to prevent and eliminate disease. When they started to do this research, it completely validated – and made even myself and other scientists working on this understand – how this program really works. They discovered the foods that have the most phytochemicals are sprouts – things like wheatgrass and all the other sprouts. The phytochemicals not only prevent and eliminate diseases you have within you, but they also prevent the premature aging process. That’s why none of us who live this way and exercise and do all the other things we need to do ever age the way the ‘normal’ – which is abnormal – population does.

Lastly, you get enzymes and this goes back to the electric. If you’re a doctor or a nurse or a chemist, you’re going to be taught that an enzyme is a protein, which it is. But that’s only a small part of the story. It’s a very unique protein – the protein that carries electric into the body. Since your body is first and foremost bioelectric frequency, we have to ask the obvious question, “Where do we get the ongoing electric from?” Well, you can get it from raw, organic, vegan food. Once you cook the food – even vegan, cooked food – the enzymes are gone; the phytochemicals are gone; the oxygen is gone and the hormones are gone. When you reverse that, there’s hope. And the 21st century understanding of nutrition is what I’ve just explained to you. You get the hormones, oxygen, phytochemicals, and enzymes. They are the most essential and elemental part of human nutrition that you can only acquire from raw, organic, vegan food.

A: And the absence of these leads to all kinds of diseases?

BC: Absolutely. And its presence, as we’ve seen here – clinically with hundreds of thousands of people – reverses those problems.

Allart is the producer and host of the “Dynamic Health” radio program, which airs live every Wednesday, 1-2 pm on Co-op Radio, CFRO 102.7 FM. The rest of the April 8/09 Brian Clement interview and all past programs can be heard on www.DynamicHealthRadio.info.

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